Glenwood/Starbuck, MN Project


Several events were held in the Glenwood, MN, area in the autumn of 2019 that provided information, awareness, and discussion on the topic of ending human trafficking in their local community. “Local Resources and Trends” was held October 2, 2019, from 5:30 to 6:30 PM in Glenwood, MN. “Human Trafficking Panel Discussion” was held October 23, [...]

Glenwood/Starbuck, MN Project2020-01-16T17:15:14+00:00

Northfield, MN Project


Northfield Rotary (District 5960) co-sponsored a panel discussion on Human Trafficking at the St. John's Lutheran Church (Women of the ELCA) evening program.  Three Rotary panelists participated. For more information, contact Jean Wakely Assistant Governor of Area 4 Northfield, MN

Northfield, MN Project2020-01-16T01:27:25+00:00

Golden Valley, MN Project


The Rotary Club of Golden Valley, MN, held an event on January 7, 2019 featuring Sean Levesque, of Love2Hope, entitled “Travels Against Trafficking”.  Sean has spent his entire career teaching and inspiring others through his roles as a teacher, personal coach, master trainer, instructor, and presenter. He is the co-founder (with wife, Kay) and executive director [...]

Golden Valley, MN Project2020-01-15T22:18:35+00:00


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